Performing a Salat(Namaz) Prayer

Both supererogatory and obligatory units are offered in the same manner except that, when declaring the intention one has to distinguish between the two kinds. This is the description of performance:


One stands in reverence and humility, facing the Qibblah, raising his hands up to ears, and says: “ Nawaytu Osalli Sunnata Salati-l-Fajir or Farda Salat-i-Fajir (As the case may be): Allahu Akbar”. This means: “I declare my intention to offer prayer of the morning: God is the Greatest of all. Then he lowers the arms and places the right hand over the left one right below the naval.


He then says in a low voice the following:
“Subhanka-l-lahumma wa bihamdik, wa tabaraka-smuk, wa ta’ala Jadduk, wa La ilaha Ghayruk, A’udhu bi-l-lahi mina-sh-shaytani-r-rajeem. Bismi-l-lahi-r-rah-mani-r-rahmeem.

This means: “Glory be to You, O God, and Yours is the Praise, and blessed is Your name, and exalted is Your majesty, and there is no god besides You. I seeek the refuge of the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful”.


Then in a low or audible voice he recites the opening Chapter of the Quran (al-Faitihah), followed by any passage from the Holy Book.


The he says: Allahu Akbar. “(God is the Greatest of all). lowering his head down at a right angle, placing the palms of his hands on the knees and saying in a low voice : “Subhan Rabbiay-l-’Azeem”.
(Glory to my Lord the Great”, re-peated three times.) This is called Ruku’. After that the standing position is resumed with these words: “Sami ‘a-l-ahu Lim an Hamidah; Rabbana Laka-l-Hamd
(God accepts any who are thankful of Him; Our Lord praise be to you).
When saying this the hands remain on the sides.


The worshipper then says: Allahu Akbar, prostrating himself with the toes of both feet, both knees, both hand and the forehead touching the ground. This is the position of Sujud and is accompanied with these words:
“ Subhan Rabbiya-l-A’La” (Glory of my Lord the Most High, repeated three times).


Then with the utterance of Allahu Akbar comes the Julus, a short rest in a sitting posture: the outer side of the left foot and the toes of the right one, which are in an erect position, touching the ground and the two hand are placed on the knees.

After this a second prostration (Sujjud) is repeated in the same utterances as in the first one. This complete one unit (Rak’ah) of the prayer.


After the first unit the worshipper rises, saying Allahu Akbar, to assume a standing position for the second unit and recites the Opening(the Fatihah) followed by a Quranic passage as in the first unit.


When he has finished the second bowing and the two prostrations in the same way as the first, he takes a sitting position as in Julus and recites the Tashahhd with its two parts.


Finally he returns his face to the right side saying these words:
“Assalamu ‘ Alaykum Wa Rahamatul-Lah (Peace be on you and the mercy of God). Then he turns his face to the left side uttering the same greetings.

This is now any prayer of two units (Rak’ahs), whether obligatory or supererogatory, is performed. When knowing how to perform this prayer in the right way, all other prayers will be found very easy. It should be pointed out that that every move or every word in the Islamic prayer has a great significance attached to it and is symbolic of a very deep meaning.

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