Daily Prayer Timings (Jamat)

 Friday Prayer: 1st Prayer: 12:45pm;2nd Prayer: 1:45pm

Romford Mosques

This Mosque is completely based on Taqwa and follows the Shariah’s laws.

And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided.

Quran Classes
Quran and Islamic Classes

Learning about Islam and the Quran is essential for
every Muslim child, and is necessary for both this world
and hereafter. Please join our classes

Friday prayer

The Friday prayer start promptly at 1:30pm in summer and 1:15pm in winter every Friday.

Taraweeh and Eid prayers are also held.
Join our WhatsApp Group

Send a request to admin 07833144578

Havering Islamic Cultural Centre False Propaganda for funds

False propaganda by HICC to raise money by dirty tricks. AVA opening soon at brickyard 222-226 South Street, Romford, HICC is not Havering Mosque.  

Havering Islamic Cultural Centre falsely claiming funds

Romford Mosque is in no way associated with Havering Islamic Cultural Centre. The Romford Mosque project for which the Havering Islamic culture centre is currently claiming funds are completely false. Public is hereby informed that this is not related to the Romford Mosque. May Allah guide us all so we follow the right path

Romford Mosque Chairman and Owner, Sheikh Kamal Siddiqui has been Honoured by the UK Wafy-Wafiyya Alumni Association for his Islamic and Social Contributions

22 September 2024: Dawhafield launching led by the UK Wafy-Wafiyya Alumni Association has been inaugurated by Sheikh Kamal Siddiqui, Chairman and Owner of Romford Mosque in honourable presence of Dr. Bahaudheen Nadvi, the Vice Chancellor of Darul Huda Islamic University, South India. 

Message from Darul Huda Islamic University for Sheikh Kamal Siddiqui: 'Thank you for your valuable time and speech which influenced all of the participants. All the Committee members are deeply grateful to you. Everyone is happy and satisfied with your words and the experiences you shared with us. May Allah grant you reward for your efforts. May Allah grant you a healthy long life. Ameen.'

Mosques are religious social club

This is a great British leniency of freedom of religion in the UK. Muslim abuse leniency by creating Mosques (Masjid e Zarar) in every corner for personal gains. All Muslims must respect Islamic Shariah law and Islamic values and not to create groups and divisions for personal gains and benefits. Please respect wider community and don’t destroy peace and harmony by creating Mosques (Masjid e Zarar) in every corner and making business and religon club for personal benefits. Muslims must follow the Islamic Shariah law and become practicing Muslims and stop un-Islamic deeds urgently.

The current position of the majority of Muslim ummah is muslin openly and practicing un-Islamic and unethical forbidden haram deeds. 

Some Muslims enjoying this temporary life and ignoring to do any good deeds for a life after death which is Akhira. Some Muslims do not fear from Allah’s punishment, according to the Holy Quran “fear God as he should be feared” (Holy Quran Al-Imran 3:102). Some Muslims do not fear from hell nor do they accept Allah’s rules and no acceptance of Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW and not accepting Quran.

Muslims in the UK created 2000 (Masjid e Zarar) in every corner of UK, all mosque are religious social club for personal gain, that is the only reason whole Muslim ummah is too much weak and divided. It is mentioned in the Quran , Islam completely based on deeds not on words.

Unfortunately majority of the Muslims are doing cheat, lie, deception and fraud which means hypocrite Muslims, remember hypocrite Muslims will stay permanently in hell and will not go into heaven. Unfortunately some Muslims completely destroy and damage Islam due to their worst deeds and disobedience to Allah’s rules. Now still time to repentance for forgiveness from Allah SWT.

Please for God sake, I am requesting everybody for follow shariah law and follow Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAW and obey Quran.

For the pleasure of Allah unit together as one Muslim Ummah and hold the rope of Allah together and not divided into groups and become one Muslim Ummah. This is the time to act urgently.

Romford Mosque Rules

AssalamuAlaikum Brothers and Sisters

  • Praise be to Allah, the creator of all, and peace blessings be upon his final and last Prophet Muhammad the mercy of mankind.
  • By the grace of Allah, I have been continuously running Friday prayers (1:30pm) since December 1996 on a permanent basis, and now a second Friday prayer at 2:00pm and prayers 5 times a day for congregation.
  • This is the first and the only Mosque in Havering and is totally and completely based on Taqwa (piety, “Fear God as he should be feared” The Holy Quran: Al-i-Imran 3:102) and strictly follows Shariah laws.
  • Worshippers may come to the mosque for worship only and align with the Shariah laws and good citizenship. They should not get involved in criticism of the mosque or giving suggestions/ accusations. This could be regarding any administration or building work in the mosque or anything else.
  • Worshippers are requested to be peaceful, show respect to the mosque and follow Islamic guidelines. We do not tolerate any violence, hypocrisy or irrational behaviour at the Mosque as well as spying or spreading any information to other groups. There should be no disrespect to any Muslim or to the Chairman/founder/owner of the Mosque.
  • The founder and Chairman of the Mosque reserves the right to expel any worshippers who do not follow the above guidelines and those who wish to go to other groups are requested to not come to our Mosque.
  • Please abide by all the rules and regulations of Romford Mosque

History of Havering Islamic Cultural Centre ‘Real and True facts’

Please take time to read and pass to others in order to learn the truth about HICC. Romford already has a mosque i.e. Romford Mosque, 29 Lessington Avenue. 500 people are worshipping/performing all religious obligations, since 1996. Romford mosque is a highly vital hub of the Havering community. Thus, it is not true that there will be any loss of worshipping facilities in Havering as claimed by HICC. Basically, the Havering council must not give permission under any circumstances as it is surrounded by housing and is a densely populated area of Romford, highly dangerous corner. 1000 Individual worshippers will need at least 400 parking spaces for such a facility. HICC is falsely using the name Havering Mosque to cheat the Muslim community for money. 
As per Islamic law HICC, educational trust, community centres, Islamic Trust, Islamic centres are not mosques. There are strict rules for all mosques and for all Trustees. Food bank/soup kitchen is not allowed in a Mosque. HICC should be based in Noak Hill or Havering at Bower. The trustees of HICC have promoted false information and created division in the Muslim community and destroyed good community cohesion for personal gain. For example, the food bank they run serves non-halal food, further contradicting their claims of being Mosque, which is completely false due to hypocrisy. HICC claims falsely that they have been established since 1982. This is untrue. I was present at the first meeting of HICC on 4-10-1992 (copy enclosed). The late Dr S. I Haider set up Essex Islamic Association and in the first function money was collected and current members of HICC fought immediately. No work was done at all, and money was kept in the bank, instead of returning to individual donors. After several years, money was transferred with interest, dishonestly to HICC (copy enclosed) because the late Dr Haque was also a signatory who joined and set up HICC 4-10-1992).
Romford mosque has been in existence since 1981 at various locations in Havering and since 1996 at Lessington Avenue, Romford. Rather all HICC were behind Mr Siddiqui as worshippers at Princes Road, for 5 years and later on set up HICC in 1992. They started fights for power even physically attacked Mr Siddiqui. Romford Mosque moved to another location and all HICC troublemakers were expelled. HICC falsely claim there is no Mosque in Havering, while collecting money fraudulently, and bought 91 waterloo road for £350,000 (copy enclosed). It was a big mistake to give planning permission without car parking facility and a lot of trouble and nuisance to the neighbourhood. Recently they have falsely claimed and collected money £900,000 for Romford Mosque project, which is nothing to do with “Romford Mosque project.” This has nothing to do with Romford Mosque at all and nor is Romford Mosque collecting any money at all which is a great cheat of money (copy enclosed).
Mr Siddiqui set up a charity: Muslim children in need and raised some money. HICC was not involved and nor is a member of the charity. Two trustees of HICC, Mr M Rafi and Mr Farooq-Uddin went to Bank and gave undertaking and withdrew the money and gave it to Mr Mousa who caught a flight the next day with the cash £3700. Upon request of Mr Siddiqui the police seized the £3700 and Mr Siddiqui got a court order. After several months they came to Mr Siddiqui and asked for forgiveness.
Mr Tariq Loon, the chair of HICC prayed several years behind Mr Siddiqui, but write false comments to Havering Council due to hatred and enemity (copy enclosed). 
HICC also joined the Ahmadiyya women’s association (copy of constitution enclosed and photos). HICC mentioned remove the “Ahmadiyya” and just name it Muslim women’s association. Please see comments in a newspaper. HICC is an opportunist organisation and continuously damage Islam for personal gain, and using their power to mislead the uneducated public (Dadagiri).
HICC is not Havering Mosque, as they do not accept or follow basic Islamic principles. HICC do not accept the Prophet Muhammad is the last and final prophet, that is why they join the Ahmadiyya association. Please don’t donate and don’t support them and pray in this organisation as it is an opportunist organisation with a bleak past and present. HICC is a Masjid Zarar. 
وَٱلَّذِينَ ٱتَّخَذُواْ مَسۡجِدٗا ضِرَارٗا وَكُفۡرٗا وَتَفۡرِيقَۢا بَيۡنَ ٱلۡمُؤۡمِنِينَ وَإِرۡصَادٗا لِّمَنۡ حَارَبَ ٱللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُۥ مِن قَبۡلُۚ وَلَيَحۡلِفُنَّ إِنۡ أَرَدۡنَآ إِلَّا ٱلۡحُسۡنَىٰۖ وَٱللَّهُ يَشۡهَدُ إِنَّهُمۡ لَكَٰذِبُونَ

Claiming funds falsely

False transfer of funds of Essex Islamic Association

Worshippers list attending Friday (Juma) prayers at Romford Mosque at Princes Road, run by Mr Siddiqui

False propaganda (HICC exists from 1992, NOT 1982).

Police seized charity funds upon request of Mr Siddiqui

False comments to council

Community News

There has been some misleading news in the Romford Recorder and Yellow Advertiser, which is not related to our Romford Mosque. This is related to Iqra Educational Trust in Collier Row Mosque and Havering Islamic Cultural Centre. This is not concerning Romford Mosque at all.

Mr Kamal Siddiqui representing Muslim community as Chairman of HREP with the Queen of the UK

Kamal Siddiqui at CPCG Public Meeting

Kamal Siddiqui in the BME meeting

Kamal Siddiqui in the meeting

Chairman, Kamal Siddiqui at the SACRE meeting

Mr Kamal Siddiqui represents and supports Muslim community

Chairman, Kamal Siddiqui at public gathering with Indian Ambassador and Eileen Gordon, MP Romford

Kamal Siddiqui, NHS Board Member with Dr Latif Consultant, Vijay Vasu, Chairman NHS Board Havering, Sue Osborn, CEO NHS Havering, Ian Back, Chief Inspector, MET Police, Councillor Ray Harris, Leader of Havering Council, Councillor Wilf Mills, Deputy Leader Havering Council and Dr Dr Haider, GP

Jack Hopelman, Mayor of London Borough of Havering distributing prizes at annual meeting in Romford

Leader of Havering Council at Romford Mosque

Ethnic minority liaison group, Sue Williams, joint CEO NHS Barking, Dagenham, Havering Trust

Wilf Mills, Leader of Havering Council, Rt Honourable Eileen Gordon, MP for Romford, Chairman Kamal Siddiqui, Rt. Honourable Keith Darvell, MP for Upminster, HE Salman Haider, Indian Ambassador, UK, Habeeb Siddiqui at annual gathering at centaury youth house

Letter of Rt. Honourable Eileen Gordon, MP for Romford

Mr Kamal Siddique who founded and own the Mosque

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/mar/28/brexit-heartlands-pro-leave-havering-essex-photo-essay

Mr Kamal Siddiqui, Chairman and Member (long standing) of Havering community and Police consultative group

Havering mosque (HICC) falsely claiming funds

Romford Mosque is in no way associated with Havering Islamic Cultural Centre. The Romford Mosque project for which the Havering Islamic culture centre is currently claiming funds are completely false. Public is hereby informed that this is not related to the Romford Mosque. May Allah guide us all so we follow the right path.   

Misleading news

There has been some misleading news in the Romford Recorder and Yellow Advertiser, which is not related to our Romford Mosque. This is related Iqra Educational Trust in Collier Row Mosque and Havering Islamic Cultural Centre. Public is hereby informed that this is not concerning Romford Mosque at all. May Allah guide us all so we follow the right path.

HICC are promoting misinformation online

Romford mosque at Lessington avenue is serving the community since 1996 and 500 people are worshipping every Friday and Eid prayers performing all religious obligations. Public is hereby informed to be watchful of false propaganda. May Allah guide us all so we follow the right path. Romford Mosque

Chairman, Kamal Siddiqui at a large gathering in Havering

Havering Councillor praises Mr Kamal Siddiqui for his achievements

False Online Information

Response by Romford Mosque:

The above comment on this website are completely false. Person this site is referring to (His father) was NOT a Trustee or Secretary at the Romford Mosque. He was a worshipper at the Romford Mosque and a locum GP. There was no Committee and Mr. Kamal Siddiqui is the sole organiser of the Romford Mosque. May Allah guide us all so we follow the right path. The above site is incorrect and false.

President of Indonesia meets Kamal Siddiqui at World Muslim Day

Mr Kamal Siddiqui represents Muslim community at the congregation

BME Housing Needs: Mr Kamal Siddiqui represents Muslim community

Mr Kamal Siddiqui representing Muslim community for faith in new syllabus

Mr Kamal Siddiqui represents and supports Muslim community at several events organized by NHS, Police, Council that contributed to introduction of Halal food at several local schools

Spreading the message of Peace: recently accepted Islam with their own free will at the hand of Mr Kamal Siddiqui

Mr Kamal Siddiqui represents Muslim community at the CPCG Public meeting

Additional Posts

Eid Ul Adha

Eid Ul Adha 2014 Eid ul Adha 2014 / 1435 expected on Saturday, October 4, 2014. Eid Ul Adha prayer at Romford Mosque will be

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About Eid Ul Adha

The celebration of Eid Al-Adha is symbolic of sacrifice and is a joyous occasion. Salatul Eid is fard upon all Muslims in the tradition of

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Eid Ul Fiter

Eid Ul Fitr 2014 Eid ul Fiter should be on Monday 28th July 2014. Eid Ul Fitr prayers at Romford Mosque will be performed at

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Quran Completion 2018

Romford Mosque annual prize distribution and a speech by
Councillor Keith Darvill
(Leader Labour Party)


Importance of Salah(Namaz, Prayer) in Islam.  Download daily Salat timetable Romford Mosque.

Quran & Islamic Classes

Quran and Islamic Classes,
Ladies Classes (Free)
Quran Tafseer (For ladies only)

 بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ Romford Mosque (Masjid) exists since December 1996 in Romford(Borough of Havering). By the grace of Allah, This is first Mosque in Havering and is totally and completely based on Taqwa (piety, “Fear God as He should be feared” The Holy Quran: Al-i-Imran 3:102) and follows the Shariah’s laws.

Please come and see the true picture of Islam, we are the followers of the Sunnah and Shariah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Praise be to Allah, the Creator of all, and peace blessings be upon his last Prophet Muhammad the mercy of mankind.

Community Spotlight

Muslim communities in Havering have enough mosque facilities

The protest outside Havering town hall was fake and misleading done by outsiders who don’t live in Havering.

A very small population of muslims in Havering (approx 500 houses) and approximately 20 house in Collier Row and 10 house in Harold Hill, therefore we don’t need a mosque in every corner.

Romford Mosque & HICC accommodate large number of worshippers that is enough facilitiy available.

Muslims must respect islamic laws and Islamic values and not to create groups and divisions for personal gain and benefit.
Please respect wider community and don’t destroy peace and harmony.

 We don’t need any more mosques in Havering

Havering Council Full Meeting

The chairman of the Romford Mosque, Mr Kamal Siddiqui recited the Holy Quran on behalf of the muslim community.
Mr Kamal Siddiqui explained that the Quran is word of Allah(God) and was revealed upon prophet Muhammad(PBUH) over the course of 23 years.
After the passing away of prophet Muhammad(PBUH), a committee was setup by the close companions of the prophet which compiled the Quran and published it in the current format which exists today through out the world.
Finally all this work carried out by first Caliphate Abu Bakar Siddiqui.

Community Spotlight Romford Mosque

Last week Liberal Democrats visited Romford Mosque as part of its ongoing initiative to learn from and work more closely with local community group in Havering.

Christian service that has made Islamic history
Worship facilities for muslim community in Havering

Worship facilities for muslim community in Havering.
Last Friday Labour visited Romford Mosque. A warm welcome to head of Romford Labour Angelina Leather Barrow by the leader of mosque Mr Kamal Siddiqui. The visit was to learn about the worship facilities in Havering for Muslims. The excellent facilities available and accommodate 500 worshippers in two Friday prayers at Romford Mosque.Normally mosque fully packed up with worshippers on Friday.several London boroughs providing one hour free parking facility near the mosque, Havering council need to promote equality and racial harmony and follow just like other London boroughs and help the community.

Worship facilities for muslim community in Havering.

Eid Al Adha 2024/1445

Eid al-Adhā is on Sunday 16 June 2024.

Eid prayers will be held at: 8am, 9am, 10am and 11am In Sha Allah

Women and childern are also welcome to perform the Eid Prayer 

Dear Visitors

Please note that Romford Mosque opens for 5 prayers at Jamat times. If someone turns up at odd times to perform salah, they will not be allowed as the mosque will be closed (also due to security reasons). It is impossible for the management to be there and allow people to perform prayers other than Jamat times mentioned on Romford Mosque website, therefore it is our humble request to please respect the Romford Mosque Jamat timings. Jazak Allah. 

“Please only use the toilets for emergencies and performed the Wudu (ablution) at home is greatly rewarded by Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala (Glory be to Him).”

Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated. 

Jazakallah Khair!  (Thank you!)